Partnering in empowering your students

Mrs. Breelings's Safe Space for BIG Feelings
Jazmin and her classmates have been looking forward to being in Mrs. Hogsett's class for 3rd grade. They experience a wide range of BIG feelings when Mrs. Hogsett moves away before they have an opportunity to be in her classroom. Mrs. Breelings knows that it's important to support the students in dealing with their BIG feelings before moving forward with her lessons. Is she prepared for this task?

No Shade Here, Baby!: Loving the Skin I'm In
Through compassion, carefully crafted questions, and appropriate humor, No Shade Here, Baby! gives an inside look into an impactful heart to heart conversation between young cousins. Join Harper and Cousin June as they tackle a delicate topic: shadeism/colorism. Harper and Cousin June are only headed into 3rd grade; however, they'll soon learn that they have the tools to conquer this issue. And your students will as well.

This is Good Hair
Self-confidence and acceptance and appreciation of differences is crucial to a healthy relationship with self and others. This is Good Hair features a conversation between a mother and daughter that will leave your young readers with a better grasp of healthy ways of dealing with difficult emotions, negative external feedback and peer pressure.